Sunday, December 23, 2018

Day 24: Trusting God's Promises

Read: The Annunciation

  • The Big Picture: Many Silent Years (229-241)
  • The Jesus Storybook Bible: He's Here (176-179)
  • The Ology: The Son Stepped off His Throne (99-101)
Sing:  The First Noel
By Faith
Think:  Isaiah 7:14
Pray: Ask God to help you trust in His promises to you

Do: Angel
For You:
Genesis 18:1-10
1 Samuel 2:1-11
Isaiah 7:14
Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:5-56

    All throughout history, God has been making promises - promises that He has always kept. God's promises led Him to bring baby after baby to grow up to rescue and sustain His people - Moses, Isaac, Joseph, Joshua, Samuel, the judges, David, and the prophets. Although they fulfilled God's purposes, these promised rescuers were never able to fully and completely rescue God's people. God's people still needed rescuing, but no human could do this. This time, the baby promised would be the final Rescuer. A Savior - God Himself would have to come down from Heaven. And He did. God always keeps His promises. We can always trust God more than what our eyes can see - and believe.

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • Check out this setting of the Magnificat 
  • One of our favorite things to do on Christmas Eve is to listen to the Lessons and Carols here. The music is always beautiful. 
  • The hymn for today, By Faith, has many verses, but the refrain is very easy for children to learn. The text is great for reiterating that God will keep His promises to His people. 

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