Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Day 20: The Promise of a New Heart

Read: The New Heart

The Big Picture Story Bible: God's Promise Remains (220-227)
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Get Ready! (170-175)
The Ology:  The Holy Spirit: God's Best Gift (137-138)

Sing: Infant Holy
Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart
Think: Ezekiel 36:26a "And I will give you a new heart."
Pray: Pray and ask God to give your children hearts of flesh. Praise Him for His faithfulness
Do: Heart
For You:
Ezekiel 36:22-38
Nehemiah 8:1-12
Matthew 5:17-18
Revelation 21:9-27

      My three year old told my Mom on Sunday that he was going to church with a broken heart. My 5 year old chimed in, "that's because you have yucky sin in your heart Corwin." Both of them were on to something - our hearts are broken and filled with yuckiness. Only God can fix our broken hearts.

     Today's thoughts are simple. We are sinful. We cannot change ourselves. We need someone to help us and rescue us. Only God can give us what we need.

    A remnant of God's people were able to return home and rebuild Jerusalem. God did as He promised and brought them back. The people worked hard, listened to God's Word, and celebrated. They sang, "For He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever" (Psalm 136). But even in the midst of celebration, God's people were sad - they knew that the walls that they had just built would eventually crumble. They mourned because they realized that this was not a permanent restoration. They longed for something better - Someone better.

     We too look around us and mourn. We do all we can to build a good life for ourselves and for our families, but we know that this is only temporary. All the hurt, disappointment, isolation, and pain are only for a short time. We long for Jesus to come again and to restore us permanently in our forever Home with God. That will be a great day of celebration!

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • Here is a wonderful text if you don't know it already. 
  • I did not post the traditional tune to our hymn today. The arrangement above was written by a dear mentor and friend, Dr. Gustafson. It is beautiful. Thankful for how God used Him on earth and thankful that He is now Home with Jesus. 
  • Take Psalm 136 and teach your children the phrase "for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever." You can read the phrases that change, and they can participate. If they are very small, try having them just fill in one word like "good" or "love" or "forever."

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