Monday, March 7, 2016

Day 27 - Resurrection demands a response

     Yesterday, we ended our reading at a really sad and difficult place. People were questioning...Jesus was crying...Lazarus was dead. Seems so final. So devastatingly awful. Death always is. BUT God has the power to bring life, and we know from this book that Jesus is the Son of God and has authority from God. We even read yesterday that Jesus claims to be the resurrection and the life! So, we pick up the story today...

A couple of things: Martha - she always has some comment, doesn't she? Always into the details...even the smell of her brother's body. Almost makes me laugh a little bit. I am reminded of a beloved movie from the past - The Princess Bride - and the "mostly dead" scene. Lazarus was very clearly NOT mostly dead. He was all dead. Stinky dead. I love Jesus' response to her so much when He says: "didn't I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" Then Jesus steps forward and prays. Didn't you love reading those beautiful words? And now comes the favorite part for our family - Jesus cries out in a LOUD voice! We always shout this out when we read it...I think the kids like it mainly because it's the only time they are allowed to yell inside the house!

     The seventh sign! Jesus DOES have the power over death! Lazarus came out! And I'm sure after Martha hugged him, she probably went right to work preparing a bath for him.

     Although one would think that all would believe after seeing this amazing sign, the reactions are again twofold: many believed and many did not believe. In fact, those who did not believe sought to put Him to death! They had put their faith in the wrong things...the wrong person...the wrong comforts. Jesus would mess up everything for them. Everyone would believe Him. Rome would come and take everything away. It would be better for Jesus to die than for the entire nation to suffer.......   how true that statement was. Jesus would die so that those who believe would not suffer. Sadly, this is not something the Jewish leaders recognized. We now see Jesus go back to staying more in private than in the public eye.

     Speaking of God's power over death today, I did want to mention that a great man of the faith died yesterday, Jerry Bridges. He helped so many in pursuing holiness and his writings continue to have a tremendous impact on my life. My Dad exposed me to his preaching, teaching, and writing early on in my life, and I am so grateful. If you haven't ever read one of his books, please check some of these out. My favorites are: Respectable Sins, The Discipline of Grace, The Pursuit of Holiness, Transforming Grace, The Joy of Fearing God, and Trusting God even when Life Hurts. I am deeply saddened by his death, but what a day of joy for him to see the One who has taken away the sting of death. Thankful for this man and the godly legacy he leaves behind for me and my children.

  • Reading: John 11:38-57
  • Memory passage: John 14:1-6
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Song: I Sing the Mighty Power of God  - different tune, but so beautiful
  • Activity: Add Lazarus to the "signs" part of your board or list if you have one of those. 
  • Meditation: Isaiah 25:1-12; 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

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