Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Day 7 - The first "encounter:" Believe and have life!

     John 3 is one of the most well read and beloved passages of the Bible. We see a transition from the end of chapter 2 which talks about Jesus knowing what is in man to chapter 3:1 which says, "now there was a man."  We have read and heard the voices of many declaring Jesus to be the Son of God. Even in the beginning of this chapter, we hear Nicodemus confess this truth with his own tongue, but Jesus saw into the heart of Nicodemus. Jesus saw that Nicodemus did not understand internally all the knowledge he had of the Scriptures. He wanted Nicodemus to see and understand the reason God  has come to earth. Jesus didn't come to simply show who He was ... He came to do something - to rescue us so that we could believe and have life in His name. Only the Son of God could accomplish this (v. 16). 

     Ryken tells us that this is the first of many "encounter" or conversation stories in the book of John (something to keep your eyes watching for as we continue). We read of Jesus as a teacher and revealer of truth. There is a lot of imagery in this story - birth, wind, light. We also read of belief vs unbelief. Those who believe will find life everlasting and those who do not believe will perish.

     We read several of our "key" words and phrases today. Make note of "believes in Him," (15, 16,18)  "light/darkness," (19,20,21) "eternal life," (15,16) "saved," (17) and "Son of God/Son of Man" (14,16,17,18). Maybe mark these in your Bible so that when you read, these repeated ideas jump off the page for you. 

     I will stress to my children that we believe in the name of Jesus to save us and rescue us, because He is the Son of God. 

  • Reading: John 3:1-21
  • Memory passage: John 1:1-14 (for older children, John 3:1-21 is a great additional passage for them to work on)
  • Memory verse: John 3:16-17
  • Song for the week: In Christ Alone
  • Activity: For those of you who did Advent with us, you will remember the "Look and Live" story. Moses made a serpent and put it on a pole. God provided a way for the Israelites to be rescued from their misery by looking at this serpent on the pole. Today, we are actually going to use our ornament from Advent to remind us that God has always provided for His people and that He has rescued us!
  • Meditation: Numbers 21:4-9

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