Friday, February 19, 2016

Day 10 - The Second Sign

     Today is the first of two healings we read of back to back (4:43-5:18). After verses 43-46a, (our travel link we often come across to remind us that we are in a narrative) John narrates the second sign - the first being the water turning to wine.

     The key phrase from the reading today is "the man believed the word that Jesus spoke." We see again this idea of belief in Jesus - that even His very words have power and give life. Just wait, we haven't even begun to see what Jesus can do!

  • Reading: John 4:43-54
  • Memory passage: John 1:1-14
  • Memory verse: John 4:50
  • Songs: Help My Unbelief 
  • Activity: Add the official and his household to those who now believe in Jesus. Also add a sign to your chart or board. Our family will have the son healthy and happy on our felt board to remind us that Jesus words bring life!
  • Meditation: Psalm 19:7-11

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