Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day 9 - Words to live by

It was a very good thing God was always rescuing His people...
the Israelites were never quite safe from themselves
(Biggest Story, 66)

Ornament: Tablets

Scripture Readings:
Exodus 20:1-17
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Matthew 3:3-10; 22:35-40
James 2:10

Verse: Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Christmas Song: Go Tell it on the Mountain

Jesus Storybook Bible: God makes a Way and Ten Ways to be Perfect (92-107)
Big Picture Story Bible:  God's Great Sign (130-139)
The Ology: The Ten Commandments of God and Breaking One Law Breaks the Whole Law (78-83)

     My four year old loves our story for today. He is fascinated by the power of God, particularly when it comes to mountains shaking and lightening and thunder and fire (sounds about right for a boy, doesn't it?). All last school year, we studied the life of Moses, and he began to pick up the themes of God going to great lengths to dwell with His people. He even listened as I read Leviticus and Numbers to him (don't ever underestimate the value of reading the Bible aloud to your children)! We studied about the tabernacle and how sacrifices were the only way for God's people to be near him. We also read about God leading His people with a pillar of cloud and fire. WOW!!! He told me, "Mommy, it was so easy to just follow God. He was right there." His excitement over God coming to be with His people and lead them really convicted me. So often, I allow the presence of God to become familiar and common place. I forget the great lengths God took for me to dwell with Him. I approach Him hastily and without thought and care many times.  But God is all powerful, and He is all Mighty. His coming to dwell anywhere near us much less within us is anything but familiar and common place. It is love; it is grace; it is compassion; it is who God is. What a privilege! Sadly, it took a four year old to help me remember how special access to God really is. God is using my children to show me more of Himself. This is why we press on - why we teach them diligently. We also learn and grow as we see the Gospel through their eyes and ears.

     One of the things God did to help His people draw near to Him was to give them His good words to obey - something they could see with their eyes and listen to with their ears. What a mercy that God gave us the law. He knew this was the only way we would see our need for Jesus. Without the law, we would be trapped judging one another on the basis of our own behavior - and that would NOT be pretty. God has made it easy (in the words of my four year old) to follow Him. He is right here! We have the law in front of us to hear and see and learn, and it is the law that leads us to Christ.

Tidings and tidbits:
  •  Here is my most beloved Christmas album. This is the music we decorated the tree to every year growing up. If you are looking for beautiful voices, unique arrangements, and a wide variety of languages and culture, this is a great choice for the family. My kids love Ding Dong Merrily on High. 

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