Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 4 - Abraham and Sarah

God's promise and Abraham's faith

Ornament: Camel

Scripture Readings: Genesis 12:1-9
Genesis  15:1-21; 17:1-8, 15-19
Matthew 1:1
Hebrews 11:8-12

Verse: Genesis 15:6

Christmas Song: O Come all ye Faithful

Hymn: The God of Abraham Praise

Jesus Storybook Bible: Son of Laughter (56-61)
Big Picture Story Bible: God's Big Promise (67-81)
The Biggest Story: Chapter 3 (44-53)
The Ology: God Makes a Promise (73)

     If we were amazed by God's promise to Noah yesterday, today is even more amazing. God makes a BIG promise to a man we know as Abraham and to his descendants. Can you imagine God speaking to Abraham and telling him to go out and count the stars? I have always imagined the sky being thick with stars as Abraham looks up and is overwhelmed by the greatness, power, and majesty of God. I would love to have seen Abraham the moment that he believed God. I wonder if his eyes got big, or if he simply smiled and just knew God's promise was true? Part of me wonders if he burst into song in adoration of the splendor of what he saw. Whatever happened, we know that Abraham did believe God, and it was counted to him as righteousness. The rest of the Bible speaks of this but more on that tomorrow.

     Abraham had faith even though what God promised seemed impossible. Do we have faith? Do we believe God is good and in control? More often than not, I find myself in the shoes of Adam and Eve - doubting the goodness of God instead of obeying His good word, or laughing at God's good word in disbelief as Sarah did instead of simply trusting. God knew Abraham and Sarah would fail, but God's promise was bigger than their sin. God's promise is bigger than my sin. The greatest news is that God keeps His promises whether we believe Him or not. God keeps His promises whether we are faithful or not. This is the promise of the Gospel.

Tidings and tidbits:
  • Here is a fun idea for making the ornaments for your advent tree
  • A great book for children. "Fool Moon Rising." Great idea for Christmas!
  • The hymn for today is a great text to teach your children if you don't know it already
  • Take your kids out if it's a clear night and tell them to try to count the stars. Talk about the God who made all those stars is the same God who promised Jesus to be our Rescuer.
  • Look up pictures taken by the Hubble Telescope. Show your children the majesty of God.

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