Monday, December 21, 2015

Day 21 - Prince of Peace Prophecy

God has come to live with us. He is one of King David's children's children's children. The Prince of Peace (JSB 147)

Ornament:   Dove (or crown)

Scripture Readings:
Isaiah 9:2-7
Ezekiel 34:25-31
John 14:27
John 16:32-33

Verse:  John 14:27

Christmas Song: O Holy Night

Hymn: Like a River Glorious

The Big Picture: God's Promise Remains (211-219)
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Operation "No More Tears!" (144-151)

     There is so much to say about peace isn't there? "Let there be peace on earth" is what we often hear this time of year. We all long for peace. We know that peace will never come on this earth no matter how hard we all try, no matter how many hands we shake, no matter how many peace conferences we hold - there will be no peace. Our world is full of sin - and it isn't getting better. It feels like it is getting worse, doesn't it? Every day, something is on the news that horrifies all of us. There is only one solution worth longing for: the Prince of Peace, Jesus. God keeps His promises, remember? Jesus will come back. Our hearts will finally be at rest, because Peace will have come - forever.
  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • We have read the story God's Promise Remains several times from the Big Picture Story Bible because it covers so much territory Biblically. Feel free to continue to read this story to your children on these days. Repetition is good. Ask questions. Show them the books of the Bible named after the prophets.  
  • I can't help myself but include this link to listen to today. 

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