Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 18 - Jonah (God's greatness, goodness, and grace)

And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city? (Jonah 4:11)

 Ornament: Fish

Scripture Readings:
Jonah 1:1-4:11
Matthew 12:40
Luke 11:32

Verse: Luke 11:32b "something greater than Jonah is here." 

Christmas Song: The Sussex Carol (you may know it as On Christmas Night all Christians Sing)

Hymn:  Jesus what a friend for Sinners

The Jesus Storybook Bible: God's Messenger (160-169)
The Ology:  Called (147-150)

  Jonah is one of my favorite books to read in the Bible - it's like looking in a mirror. I am quick to judge Jonah, but I am just like him. I may not literally run from God with my feet and board an airplane in the opposite direction from where He is calling me (although, many times I want to), but I am constantly prone to wander. I grumble and complain. I dream of what could have been. I am not content. Sound familiar to you too? I doubt God's greatness. I doubt His goodness to me. And I doubt His grace.

This story is difficult and convicting. Remember that hissy fit Jonah threw at the end of chapter 4? - "God, you can't be serious about saving these people, can you?" How often I feel that way about others. I am quick to make judgment and pretend to be God. But I am not the Savior. I am NOT God. My thoughts and judgments are despicable, because I do not reflect the character of God at all. God delights in saving His people, and this is the message that is SHOUTED from the book of Jonah.
Jonah is a story about a great God who is a great Savior and delights greatly in saving His people. I keep returning to the story of Jonah, not just for my children, but for me - for my self-righteous heart. I need constant reminding of God's greatness in salvation. I need to remember God's goodness in saving me, a great sinner. I need to remember God's grace to me.

If you know me well at all, you know that besides the Bible, I read many hymn texts. And John Newton is one of my favorites. There are many quotes from the writings of Newton, but one of my favorites is perfect for today: "Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior."

Here is a text that has been very helpful to me:

You took the sin that stained me, 
You cleansed me, made me new; 
Of old You have ordained me, 
That I should live in You. 

Unless Your grace had called me 
And taught my opening mind, 
The world would have enthralled me, 
To heavenly glories blind. 

My heart knows none above You; 
For Your rich grace I thirst; 
I know that if I love You, 
You must have loved me first.

My Lord, I did not choose You, 
For that could never be; 
My heart would still refuse You, 
Had You not chosen me. 
- Josiah Conder

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • You can reread God's Promise Remains from the Big Picture Story Bible today if you'd like. 
  • Here is a great book with some wonderful hymn texts in it. Not too late to ask for it for Christmas! 
  • Amazing Grace is another great text to read or sing for today

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